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四川省百瑞食品有限公司是一家研制、开发、生产和销售为一体的综合性旅游食品深加工和农业产业化深加工企业。企业以诚信为本、以质量求生存、谋发展创品牌为经营理念,产品以高品质、高营养、高档次回馈广大消费者,并得到当地政府和全国经销商和消费者的认同。FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

公司位于成彭高速路附近的彭州市工业开发区,是彭州旅游商品和农业产业化骨干企业。公司占地二十余亩、员工300多名,其中包括高级管理人员12名、技术人员4名、本科以上学历5名,拥有专业人士对产品进行开发和品控,同时成立了专业的产品开发研究室、微生物化验室和全封闭式无菌配套生产车间。FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

公司目前拥有极具旅游特色食品品牌三大系列产品。民以食为天,食品是我国四大经济支柱产业的第一大支柱产业,食以安全为先,追求绿色食品已形成人们的消费新观念。公司运用千百年世界竹之文化底蕴,并结合四川丰富的竹资源,匠心独具,采用竹叶、竹筒、竹汁,并经科学配方传统工艺相结合,全国首创并获中国专利保护的“竹黄金”品牌系列产品。有竹叶糕、竹筒肉、竹筒饭、竹筒粽、竹叶小刀牛肉、银厂沟竹薰老腊肉、彭州竹汁板鸭等数十个品种。产品上乘品味,绿色、健康、营养,具有浓郁的地主旅游特色,是旅游、休闲、居家、馈赠之首选。引领天府之国旅游食品新概念。公司领导班子有着丰富的领导经验、高瞻远瞩的目光和敏锐的思维,团结奋进、勇于创新、源于科技,兴于品质,成于服务、铸就品牌。FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

公司培养了一支业务水平高、开发能力强、学习提升快的团队精英。系列产品在全国糖酒会、世博会、广交会、农博会、食品博览会屡次成为亮点,被众多报刊杂志、电视广告、互联网宣传。2008年,公司加大开发力度,联合国内知各食品专家对竹系列产品进行深层次研制,并获得更进一步成功。由于公司定准确,所开以研制的绿色、健康食品,深受广大费者的青睐,目前,公司产品远销北京、上海、天津、云南、广东、湖北、湖南、江西等全国八十多个城市和地区,并有美国、日本、韩国等国经销商与我公司有合作意向。FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

公司在发展自己的同时积极与国际接轨,企业已通过ISO9000国际质量体系认证,并获得了QS食品安全市场准入证,并决心做大做强,积极促进地方旅游食品品牌快速发展作贡献。FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

Sichuan Bairui Food Co.,Ltd is a comprehensive food processing corporation ( research, development and production)in a “corporation + base + farmer” operation mode. The corporation is rooted at Credit and Honest, seeking forexistence with high quality, struggling for development and brand building. The products provide for consumers with high quality, high nutrition and up-class, which have gained applause from all distributors and customersFCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

The corporation occupies an area of over 10 mu, with employees of more than 400, of which, high level management staff 12, technical personnel 20, undergraduates and the uppers 5. It has specialists to manage products development and quality control, as well as teaming up special research room for products development, microbe laboratory and sterilized production workshop in a totally enclosed type. The corporation now owns name brands like “Yahan”, “Yange” and “Yingchanggou”. The products are made under the help of scientific recipe and modern production technology after strictly sterilized, which takes more advantages than like-products owing to its accurate product positioning, high quality and great sense of taste, thus, customers who buy our products buy in health and nutrition as well. The company highly values Theme Operation, many products be melted in local culture, which granted more specialties. In this way, the company is rewarded various honors as well as a strong support and affirmation from government and functional departments at all levels, and it’s a model corporation in food industry on food safety, quality and hygiene.FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

Leadership of the company has rich leading experience; they are insightful and quick thinking, united and progressive; they are fearless in creation, they base on technology, improve quality and be honest in customer service. Customer satisfaction is our final objective and pursuit. So far, the company is making great efforts on the research and development of green food, healthful and fashion food, and is about to promote them throughout the country.FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

Our company is active in keeping in line with international standards while develop itself. It has gained ISO9000 International Quality System Certificate, and has been granted QS Food Safety Market Access Certificate.FCb川味坊 - 四川美食网

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