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创新、超越、致强、致远euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

成都狮子楼(集团)有限责任公司是一家集餐饮、食品加工、出口贸易、休闲、出租汽车等为一体的跨国、跨行业的大型企业。euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

企业自 1980 年创办杨百万蚊帐公司至今,秉承[创新、超越、致强、致远]的经营理念,坚持[博采众长、推陈出新]的经营方针,二十余年来取得了长足的发展。企业的奋斗目标是:适应市场需求,以餐饮、食品为主体,扩大加工及商贸,实现主业现代化、经营多元化、发展国际化,建成立足国内、服务社会、面向世界的大型跨国集团 。企业曾先后荣获[中华人民共和国 500 家大私营企业]、[全国绿色餐饮企业]、[中华餐饮名店]、[全国十佳餐饮连锁企业]、[中国餐饮百强企业]、[优秀台侨企业]、[四川省著名商标]、[中国名火锅]、[川菜走向海外特别贡献单位]等数十种荣誉称号。euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

狮子楼旗下现在二十余家大型酒店,拥有具较强食品来料加工能力的大型食品公司,以及狮子楼连锁发展公司,狮子楼出租汽车公司,狮子楼物资配送中心等多家骨干企业。员工人数达三千余人。企业今天的成就,不仅向世人展示了狮子楼的无限生机和活力,更显示了集团董事长杨祖伟先生立足四川、走向全国、迈向海外的雄才伟略和坚实步伐。euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

 euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

Innovative, Transcendent, Ambitious and AspiringeuM川味坊 - 四川美食网

Lion Pavilion Group is a large enterprise integrating the businesses of food & beverage, food processing, export trade, leisure and taxi service.euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

Since Yangbaiwan Mosquito Curtain Co. was founded in 1980, the company has made remarkable progress during two decades development by following the business philosophy of “Innovative, Transcendent, Ambitious and Aspiring” and adhering to the operation policy of “learn form others ,keep renewing”. The mission of our enterprise is to realize modernization of main operations, diversification of business, and the internationalized development , so as to build a MNC based on china with worldwide operations by ways of adapting market demand, focusing on food & beverage business whilst expanding processing and trade. Over the time, we became the laureates of “China’s Top 500 Private Enterprises”, “National Green Food & Beverage Company ” , “Famous Food & Beverage Business of Grand Cathay”, “National Ten Excellences of Chain Business”, “China’s Top 100 Food & Beverage Businesses”, “Outstanding Taiwanese Enterprise”, “Sichuan Renowned Trademark”, “China Famous chafing Dishes”, “Special Contributor for Sichuan Dishes Entering Overseas Market” and so forth. Employing more than 3000 staff , lion pavilion operates over 20 hotels, a large food processing company competent in process with customer’ s materials , as well as lion pavilion chain development Co., lion pavilion taxi Co. and lion pavilion material distribution center. Such amazing achievements today, not only exhibiting the dynamics and vim of lion pavilion, but also is the fruits of the great talents and bold vision the board chair of the group, Mr. Yang zuwei, in his steps toward whole country and the world.euM川味坊 - 四川美食网

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